08 August 2011


Two of my favorite people in the world love movies --- they have been married for 42 years and go to the movies every Friday night. They have for years and years and keep a journal of the movie title and their review. And since I know them, I know they have opinions. They have style, grace, keen minds, compassion and a love for each other that is parallel to none I know. 

Janet and Slick are dear people --- we both took each other in to one another's family as if that was part of God's plan all along. Lift up prayers for them as Janet cares for my sweet Slick --- God knows the details and knows what they need...

And this little lady was lucky to have her first visit to the big screen --- we have promised for awhile now that her first show would be "The Adventures of Pooh" and it happened to be perfect timing when the Johnson girls were here to visit. So in their pjs, we loaded up on candy from Target and headed to the theatre. 

We tend to make experiences a big deal in our family. We want her to enjoy life, but at a pace that is appropriate for her age. There are so many things competing for our attention that I fear we are raising generations that are never satisfied --- the expectations for the newest and latest trumps what we have in our hand. So, in our attempts to be intentional parents, we put ourselves in her three year old shoes and try to see the world for her vantage point --- a trip to the movies is a big deal and the excitement was about to bust out of her here. 

She turned to me in the movies and said, "Mommy, you are the greatest..." 
And in the words of Pooh, "Oh bother...."

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